Closing date:

Sheep – Monday, 17 June 2024

While Stocks Last!

Live Qurban


Livestock imported from Australia. Witness the slaughtering of your Qurban, then collect fresh meat after butchering on the same day.

Alhamdulillah! This year, we have secured 50 kg sheep. The dressed carcass will weigh an average of 22 kg to 24 kg. The meat is priced at approximately $32 per kilogram, which is comparable to the market price.

Our stocks are limited as we approach closer to Hari Raya Aidiladha. Don’t miss out — Add to your cart now to avoid disappointment! After your purchase, you’re welcome to visit Masjid Omar Salmah starting from 13 June 2024 onwards to see the sheep, as they are expected to arrive in Singapore on that date.

Sheep from various farms in Eastern Australia are meticulously chosen for their suitability. Prior to their air journey to Singapore, which commences three days before Qurban, these sheep undergo a thorough examination by Australian veterinarians to verify their age and health status.

Upon arrival in Singapore, the sheep are once again inspected for any signs of injury or illness. They are provided with food and water, and closely monitored to ensure their health is optimal for the upcoming slaughtering process.

Can witness slaughtering ✅
Can collect fresh meat from the Qurban ✅
Estimated live weight 50 kg ✅
Estimated weight of meat for collection 22 to 24 kg ✅

Slaughtering Locations: (Nearest MRT Station)
Masjid Omar Salmah (Caldecott CC17/TE9) or
Masjid Hang Jebat (Queenstown EW19)

Slaughtering Date:
Monday 17 June 2204 (Eiduladha) Available

Checkout Instructions
If you wish to enter orders for more than 1 sheep, simply fill up the form below with details of the first order, press the Add to cart button, then press the Continue shopping button to fill up the details of the next order.

There is an additional 4% charge for payment by Credit Card.

Terms and Conditions
1. I commission ISGN Pte. Ltd. to perform Ibadah Qurban on the Name of the Participant for the sake of Allah Ta’ala.
2. ISGN Pte. Ltd. will email me the Official Receipt within 1 - 3 working days of payment.
3. ISGN Pte. Ltd. will inform of the Qurban reporting time closer to EidulAdha
4. If I choose to witness the slaughtering, I must be present at the given time, otherwise I will not be able to witness it.
5. There will be no refunds once payment is made.

Payment Methods
1. Paynow (UEN/Scan QR)
2. Debit/Credit Card (Additional $31.20 per Sheep)
3. Walk-in (Cash/Cheque) - Please call to make an appointment with our officers at our sales office (One Tannery #05-01)

Out of stock